Sabbath - Genesis 2:1-3
Was God tired after finishing his work of creation? Did God need to rest? The concept of rest if often so counter-cultural in our society. We often feel like we're being lazy if we take a rest-day, or we are wasting time if we aren't making progress. If we have a spare moment, do we feel like we need to fill that time with something? God did not need to rest, but instead he was modeling for us the rhythm of work and rest that we should emulate. While God does not experience "tiredness", he knows that we do. The model of rest is a gift from God. He is showing us not only that it's okay to rest, but he's showing us that rest is a necessity.
PRAY: God, we praise you for your mighty work of creation. We praise you for your infinite wisdom and power, and even though you didn't need rest, we thank you for modeling that for us. Help us to see the gift you have given to us in your example of rest, and help us to examine the margins in our lives that will allow us to rest. In Jesus' name, Amen.