life care

Life Care 

There are a number of times throughout life where you may need support from a local church. Weddings and Funerals, Hospital Visitations, emotional and spiritual support as you face the difficulties and challenges of life. These are just a few of the ways The Chapel is here is to serve you in your time of need.

Care & Support Groups at The Chapel

Support Group for Grief
GriefShare is a support group that meets with direction and purpose to learn to walk the journey of grief and be supported along the way. It is where grieving people find healing and hope.
One-on-One Care
Stephen Ministry is a lay caring ministry which is quite unique and amazingly effective in helping individuals receive the emotional and spiritual support they need when navigating a time of crisis or difficult life challenge.
For All Hurts, Habits or Hangups
This ministry is for all types of problems and addictions which are unhealed, unmet, or unresolved. Confidential and safe environment--meets on Campus at The Chapel every Monday Evening at 7pm.
Additional Resources
The Mental Wellness Ministry is a church-wide effort to build bridges of understanding, acceptance, and compassion to embrace anyone facing the struggles and storms of life. 

Prayer and Counseling

Prayer Support
The Chapel staff and other caring individuals can pray for you or for someone you know and love. For prayer support, call Debbie Kreiger, 260-625-6200, or email [email protected].

If you would like to be part of a prayer team contact The Chapel at 260-625-6200.

Crisis Intervention
At times, almost everyone finds it necessary to seek help in crisis. Life Care Services provides aid through short-term counseling and/or referral to other support agencies.

If you need assistance in crisis, call Phil Johnson, 260-625-6200, or email [email protected].


When individual or families struggle to provide shelter, food, and clothing for themselves and family members, assistance and referral may be provided by Life Care Services. Completion of a client application and an interview are required. For more information, contact The Chapel at 260-625-6200.

The pastoral staff and other helpers provide regular visits and comfort to people who are in area hospitals and nursing homes. The pastors also provide visits and communion to shut-ins unable to attend regular worship services. If you or a family member want to receive a visit from a pastor or helper, call Phil Johnson, Life Care Pastor, 260-625-6200, or email [email protected].

Pre-Marital and Weddings

The Chapel provides its resources and personnel to The Chapel family for weddings. Specifically, it will provide:

1) a place for the ceremony
2) a minister
3) a wedding coordinator and
4) a pre-marital counseling program. Limitations do apply.

For more information, or if you would like to schedule your wedding at The Chapel, contact Phil Johnson for an appointment, [email protected].


The death of a loved one is always a difficult time in the life of any family. For attendees, The Chapel provides the comfort of the pastoral staff at the time of death, assistance with funeral arrangements, the conducting of the funeral and graveside services, and compassionate follow-up. Contact Phil Johnson, 260-625-6200.


GriefShare is a 13-week seminar that meets to support one another and offer direction as people learn to walk the journey of grief. It is a place where grieving people can find healing and hope as they navigate the loss of a loved one. If you have experienced the loss of a loved one, then this would be a great group for you. Matthew 11:28 says, “Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

The Chapel offers a session in the Fall, on Wednesday nights from 6:30pm – 8:00pm which will start on August 28. Please register here to reserve your spot by, or email Phil Johnson at [email protected].

Contact Our Life Care Team

We'd love to hear from you. If you need immediate care in a crisis, please call 988 for 24/7 crisis services.