CHANGE YOUR WORLD | The Chapel Missions
Change Your World at The Chapel is about inviting people into a life-changing relationship with Jesus. It is within the very spaces where you work, live, and play that God has given you the greatest opportunity to live out this purpose. Our goal is to provide local, national, and global opportunities throughout the year to help you build relationships, discover and use your gifts, share your story, and positively impact others by being the hands and feet of Jesus.

GO Day
Several times a month, we take the opportunity to serve our local community as the hands and feet of Christ. We affectionately call these “GO Days.”

For several years Living Hope and The Chapel have partnered with our friends in southern Honduras to impact many children’s lives with our Hope Center. Extremely impoverished children are finding a HOPE and Future through our center, that has literally changed their lives both physically and spiritually. Through this partnership, God has been on the move and is now providing more opportunities to Change your world in Honduras. These trips continue to help families that go to our Children’s center by building chicken coops and pilas. We also spend time playing with the kids at our center and visiting the homes, and meeting their families.
Join us as we travel to Mission of Hope in Jarabacoa, DR. Mission of Hope has recently acquired a large campus in the Dominican Republic, and they are asking both medical teams and construction teams to consider joining them as they serve the local community. Serving in the Dominican Republic on a mission trip with Mission of Hope will be a life-changing experience for you and your team. At our core, we believe in partnering with local churches, people, schools, and communities, which is how ministry takes place day after day. Trips include construction projects, medical care and clinics, evangelism, and other ministry opportunities, such as Vacation Bible School and sports camps.
Next Trip Dates: September 6th - 13th, 2025
Next Trip Dates: September 6th - 13th, 2025

Huntersfield Christian Training Center
Huntersfield Men’s Ministry is a Christ-centered discipleship and recovery program specializing in helping men who are struggling with addiction and other life-controlling issues. Their program focuses on developing the whole person through biblical and vocational training as well as providing them with tools to sustain long-term recovery. In an effort to sustain long-term recovery, they also dig into some of the barriers to peace and freedom in a man's life. The Huntersfield Men's program is challenging, and our goal is to stretch each man spiritually, mentally and emotionally.
Next Trip Dates: April 26 - May 2nd
Next Trip Dates: April 26 - May 2nd

Disaster Response
Ministry should happen at the speed of life - and sometimes, that means reacting to disasters when they occur. We believe that we have been called to respond when disaster strikes, and so our Change Your World team keeps an eye out for places where we can assist and partner with others in the aftermath of a disaster. If you have an idea for The Chapel to respond to a natural disaster, please contact Newman Crook, [email protected].

Building Blocks
Building Blocks Preschool has been a local partner of The Chapel for many years. Building Blocks is located in the Brookmill Community in Fort Wayne, Indiana and the building blocks ministry goes far beyond the walls of the preschool. Through programs like the Backpack Roundup, Project Wishlist, empowering women, and a food bank, Building Blocks is helping the Brookmill community to feel loved and supported throughout the year.

Kolkata, India, represents one of the largest unreached people groups in the world. Despite increasing opposition, our partners work alongside the local church to share the truth about Jesus in the heart of Kolkata. The Chapel sends teams to encourage and serve our partners. This means our work varies from trip to trip, depending on their ministry needs and vision. Teams have hosted retreats for the national field workers as and a youth camp to assist the church youth workers in building relationships and sharing their faith in Jesus. Teams also have the opportunity to serve and love the women and children in Sonagachi, the red light district, and believers in the Sundarban Islands.

FEED Zimbabwe assists orphaned children by providing them with daily meals, schooling, safe water, and most importantly Hope. 3,600 meals are served weekly through the FEED program where both students and teachers are fed. This program has benefited the local community and brought much needed hope and purpose for living. The Chapel has partnered with FEED to continue to grow their program and help support the impoverished children of the Wedza village community. Join us as we travel to Zimbabwe to share Gods love to this community and support FEED through projects, relationship building, and teaching.
Next Trip Dates: September 18th - 27th
Next Trip Dates: September 18th - 27th