Parenting - Proverbs 4:23-27

May 5, 2023    Pastor Mike Fanning

Our hearts are the center of our inner lives and of our orientation to God. It is from our hearts that we do all our thinking, feeling and choosing. But our hearts are under constant attack from the enemy. So, we must guard our hearts! And we must guard our children’s hearts when they are young and train them to guard their own hearts as they grow older. This means actively aligning our thoughts, words, actions and choices with God’s revealed will and way! It requires saturating our lives with His word and protecting our hearts from the influence of the world. This is a full-time job!


PRAY: Oh Lord, my heart is where everything important happens and it is under constant assault. In Christ, You have given me a new heart. A heart that loves You and longs to live for Your glory & purposes! Thank You Jesus! So help me to be wise and diligent in protecting my heart and keeping it set apart for You alone! Amen