Philippians 2:3
Sin is selfishness to the core! And it drives our motives, thoughts, and actions unless the love and life of Christ intervenes. Sin only cares about others to the degree that the other can be used to serve my purposes. But then God saves us from the penalty and power of sin and begins to transform us into the character of His Son. He fills us with His Spirit and sets us free, unleashes us, to be the kind of people who are a blessing to others. As we abide closely with Christ and find our identity and security in Him, we are free to turn our focus on others with a heart of genuine care. God grows us into people who deeply love others. And not just in some generic way. But in a manner in which we pay attention to what is going on in the lives of others. What are their needs (spiritually, emotionally, physically, materially)? And then we choose to move toward that need with an action of love that blesses them, helps them. And God will guide us and give us wisdom on how to best love that person. And here is the payoff. When you are used by God to bless another person it is a win-win situation! They are blessed by your kindness, and you are blessed because you are a vessel that God is using to build His kingdom! Who can you bless today? Go do it!
PASSAGE: Philippians 2:3 - "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves..."
PAUSE: The Apostle Paul encouraged the Philippian church to be humble. He wanted them to think of themselves less and of others more often. If you find yourself centered on yourself, something is amiss. Take your eyes off yourself, start thinking about others, and find ways to encourage one another.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I desire to be humble. Forgive me for my selfish ways. Help me to consider others before I think about myself. Change my heart!