Proverbs 1:7

May 17, 2024    Pastor Josh Lewis

PASSAGE: Proverbs 1:7 - "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;

    fools despise wisdom and instruction."

PAUSE: The world is going to try and raise your child from a godless, secular worldview. They will try to provide answers to life's biggest questions, and they will try to tell them right from wrong without having a solid foundation to ground their morality. They will lean on whatever is culturally acceptable--whatever is right in their own eyes. Parents, we must show our children Jesus and then show them how Jesus changes everything! When we begin understand the character of God, we can begin to understand how he is good and loving, while at the same time, perfectly wise and just. This wisdom gives us a foundation to understand right from wrong. It gives us the moral framework to understand why instruction and proper obedience is a good thing. When we begin to see the world through the lenses of God's good and perfect character, we will no longer despise the correction we need from His wisdom and instruction, but instead, it will be life-giving!

PRAYER: Lord, help me to live in AWE of You and to effectively pass this on to my children. Help me to raise them up with a God-saturated worldview, to see all of life through the reality of Your Presence and Your Purpose. Amen.