Exodus 2:10

May 13, 2024    Pastor Mike Fanning

PASSAGE: Exodus 2:10 - "When the child grew older, she (Moses’ mom) took him to Pharaoh’s daughter and he became her son. She named him Moses, saying, “I drew him out of the water.”

PAUSE: Parents must begin raising their children with the end in mind! We are raising them in order to release them, ready to follow God and pursue His will for their lives! The mother of Moses was in unique situation. She knew one day she would have to turn him over to Pharoah’s daughter where he would be bombarded with a world view that did not believe in the One True God. He would need to be ready to face that “anti-God” world with clear convictions and a living, maturing faith. He would need to be able to evaluate the ideas and values of “Egypt” thru the grid of the revelation of his God, The God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob! Christian parents and grandparents in 2024 face the same challenge. Our society has moved from “Christian” to “Post-Christian” to “Anti-Christian.” It is our responsibility as families of faith in Christ to disciple our children from birth to release (when they are out on their own) into a robust faith in Christ that will stand strong against the arguments and influences of the world and that will engage and live vibrantly for the Kingdom of God and glory of God!

PRAYER: Lord, help me to keep my eye on the end goal of raising my child or grandchild to arrive at adulthood ready to follow Jesus with all their heart. Amen.