Proverbs 22:15

May 15, 2024    Pastor Mike Fanning

PASSAGE: Proverbs 22:15 - "Folly (lit. foolishness) is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline with drive it far from him."

PAUSE: You do not have to teach your child to be sinful or foolish! They arrive with a selfish sinful nature that will be on display before you know it. The question is, what are you going to do about it? Now let me be clear as you consider this verse. I’m going to assume that all who read this have hearts full of love and kindness and goodness that they are ready to consistently pour into their children and grandchildren. Amen! But one key aspect of that love is the willingness to bring consistent discipline (correction) into their lives. To fail at this is to hate your children! (See Prov. 13:24). Foolish (selfish & unloving) behavior must be met with a corrective response that has teeth! The “rod” in Proverbs does not merely mean corporal punishment (spanking). It represents a corrective response from the one in authority. (That’s you parent). It should NEVER be done out of anger or in anger! (That leads to child abuse = EVIL). It is the parent, under self-control, bringing a corrective response to the child’s foolishness (lack of self-control) for the purpose teaching the child self-control. Which they will need, by the way, for the rest of their lives.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to train foolish selfishness out of my child and wisdom and self-control into them. And help me to do it to myself first if I still need it. Amen.