1 Peter 3:15

May 10, 2024    Pastor Josh Lewis

Yesterday we looked at the transformative impact the gospel should have on our lives--the real, tangible difference that should be noticeable in our daily conduct. Peter goes on in his letter to give us this important next step: be ready to share your faith! There will be moments when the Spirit prompts you to share the gospel with someone, and there will also be times that someone notices the transformation in your life and they ask you about it. In both circumstances, you need to be ready and prepared to share the hope within you! Take some time to think through your story of transformation, and think about how you would share that in 30 seconds, 5 minutes, or 30 minutes. Think about how you would share how God has transformed you, and how that same hope is available to all because of the good news. Now pray a bold and dangerous prayer--God, give me an opportunity this week to share the hope that is in me, and help me to do it with gentleness and respect.

PASSAGE: 1 Peter 3:15 - "...but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect..."

PAUSE: The more we follow Christ, the more our lives will change, and others will notice and want to know more about it. We are called to be holy and to be examples of hope to a lost and confused world. So, we need to be ready to share the beautiful truths of the Gospel. Let’s live it and share it with others!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, create a clean heart and renew the right spirit within me! Fill me with your Holy Spirit! I pause one more time to confess my sins before a Holy God, who is graceful and kind, to forgive me of all my sins.