Galatians 5:1

Apr 15, 2024    Pastor Mike Fanning

The freedom for which Christ has set us free flows directly out of God’s grace gift of forgiveness and new life. In Christ, we are free to live according to our original purpose and design. The design God had for us before sin messed it all up. And that original, and now restored in Christ, design is to live in deep union with God and to live out His beautiful purposes and mission in the power of His love. THAT’S FREEDOM! But there is a dangerous, slavery inducing ditch on one side of that life of freedom and the name on that ditch is “LEGALISM!” This is what Paul is warning the Galatian believers about in this verse. They are being tempted to add to the gospel of faith alone in Christ alone. Tempted to add the keeping of the Old Testament ceremonial laws and regulations (specifically circumcision) as an additional requirement to truly being saved. This becomes a work requirement they are being told they must do, in addition to trusting Christ, to be saved. Paul says “DON’T DO IT”!! When we add anything to the gospel, we become slaves to that thing. We trust in it and our ability to do it, rather than Christ alone. And you can recognize this kind of legalism in people when they care more about their list of rules than they care about abiding in Christ and loving others with His love. BE FREE MY FRIEND…IN CHRIST!

PASSAGE: Galatians 5:1 - “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”

PAUSE: If there is one verse every Christian should memorize, Galatians 5:1 is that verse. The Apostle Paul reminds us that we have been set free from sin and the slavery of legalism by God’s grace and extreme love for us, and everyone needs to stand firm in Christ Jesus. Thank God for this freedom!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I want to pause and thank you! Thank you for reminding me of my freedom in Christ; I choose to stand firm in your grace.