Philippians 2:7
Growing up playing sports, I remember watching the professionals and imagining what it would be like to play in their league. What would it be like to really make a name for yourself and be one of the greatest to ever play the game? The honor--the prestige--the pure joy of getting to play the game you love most each and every day. If you were able to reach that level of honor, it would be pretty difficult to imagine walking away from that without a really good reason.
In this passage of Scripture we've been exploring, Paul is setting up a stark contrast for us to realize just how big of a deal Jesus' sacrifice is. Jesus had the highest position of honor possible--God Himself. The Son was in the presence of the Father in Heaven, yet he gave up that position of honor to take on the lowest status possible--a servant. Jesus was willing to give up everything in order to save you and me. I want to challenge you to ask yourself this question -- is there anything in my life I'm not willing to give up if God would call me to? Begin to model your thinking after Christ's example of extreme self-sacrifice in pursuit of love toward others.
PASSAGE: Philippians 2:7 - "...rather, he made himself nothing
by taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness."
PAUSE: Jesus emptied Himself of everything so that He could reveal His true nature. Yes, Jesus was fully divine and fully human, but He took on the role of servant and sacrificed Himself for all. As followers of Christ, we should be willing to give up whatever keeps us from being the humble servants we are to be.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus Christ, to be the atoning sacrifice for my sins. Today, I commit myself to serving others.