Galatians 5:15

Apr 18, 2024    Pastor Josh Lewis

If you've ever dealt with a toddler who's missed their nap time, you may have experienced their number one weapon--the bite. No matter how loving and consoling I am trying to be, there have been times when my child has impulsively opened wide and gone in for the bite. I know deep down they don't mean to hurt me, and what they are doing is more instinctive and impulsive than anything. When we think about our own response and reaction to things that don't go our way--or when conflict arises--or when we've been hurt, what is our default reaction? What is our instinctive response? Do we allow the impulsiveness of our flesh to take over, and snap back when situations are not ideal? As followers of Christ, I pray that we would act more and more like Christ with each day. I pray that our instinctive reaction would become one of love!

PASSAGE: Galatians 5:15 - "But if you bite and devour one another, watch out that you are not consumed 

by one another."

PAUSE: Any parent’s worst fear is that their toddler will bite another child. Our Heavenly Father’s greatest disappointment with Christians is when we choose to bite each other. Ask the Lord to reveal any relationships that you need to fix.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, forgive me for my words. Forgive me for the hateful and angry words that devour others. Allow my words to be loving and kind.