1 John 1:9
Salvation through Jesus Christ delivers us from the penalty and power of the sin in our lives that separates us from God. For the believer, and I want to be clear on this, the presence of sin in my life is not an issue of “am I still saved?” or “have I lost my salvation?” But rather, it is an issue of whether or not I am living in right fellowship (think intimate relationship) with God. Think about how this works in human relationships. When a husband says something hurtful (sinful) to his wife, they are still married but the quality of their fellowship is damaged. But if he confesses his sinful words and asks for forgiveness then their closeness is restored. In the same way, when I sin it effects my relationship with God.
God’s remedy for restoration is for me to confess that sin to Him. To “confess” means to call sin what it is! Don’t minimize it, don’t deny it, don’t excuse it, OWN IT! And don’t confess your sins generically (“Father, forgive me for all my sins”).
Confess your sins specifically (“Father, forgive me for the harsh way I treated Bob”) and confess your sins repentantly (“Father, this harsh manner in me is evidence of a prideful spirit in me and is displeasing to You and gets in the way of me loving others well and for Your glory. Father, forgive me, cleanse me, change me.”) And because we still have a sin nature, confession before the Father (and others) needs to be a regular rhythm in our lives!
PASSAGE: 1 John 1:9 - "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
PAUSE: “If we confess our sins” is a conditional statement. Whether we confess our sins or not, the choice is ours. Confession of sins is the entryway into a deeper walk with our Heavenly Father. Confession of sins restores our relationship with God and allows us to be honest with ourselves and others.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, forgive me. Today, I pause to confess my known sins and those I don’t even realize. Cleanse me, and please revive my soul today!