Philippians 2:1
A massive problem in the way western Christians read and understand the Bible and the Gospel is that we interpret it all through the grid of the radical individualism that permeates our modern culture! Of course, there is the reality that I must personally trust in Christ to be saved. But when I do that, I am saved into the Body of Christ, I am adopted into God’s forever family. Take note that the New Testament letters are written mainly to local churches, not individuals. And the ones written to individuals, like Timothy, are still focused on his pastoral care of a local church! We listen to sermons and do our devotionals (like this one) almost exclusively with a mindset of personal growth and application. And there is a place for that. But the overwhelming focus of New Testament Christianity is on the life of the community together! (Note: that is true of the Old Testament as well!) The focus is on such things as finding our place of serving (spiritual gifts) in the family. And living in a relationship of radical love for others in the community. And living in supportive, accountable, submissive relationships within the community. Help us, Lord Jesus, to think “we” before “me”! AMEN
PASSAGE: Philippians 2:1 - "If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion…"
PAUSE: In Christ, everything changes! At the top of that list is our relationship with fellow Christ followers. We transition from “me” to “we” from “mine” to “ours.” The thought of belonging to the community of believers should encourage us tremendously and change the way we think about church.
PRAYER: Our Father who lives in heaven, I praise your name today. Help me realize that it is not my Father, but our Father who lives in heaven!