Psalm 68:5

Jun 20, 2024    Pastor Josh Lewis

PASSAGE: Psalm 68:5 - "A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling."

PAUSE: I have to admit, I never knew how deep the Father’s love was until I met my children. I knew a deep kind of love for my wife, but once we had children, I realized there was another type of love I had never experienced before. It’s important to see that God reveals Himself in intimate family language. He is our loving Father, with a special Fatherly love for those most marginalized in our world. No matter who you are or what situation you find yourself in, God has a special fatherly love for you!

PRAYER: Lord, I praise You that Your Father’s love flows ceaselessly and reaches down to us with such power and protection.  Amen.