Matthew 6:10

Aug 7, 2024    Pastor Mike Fanning

PASSAGE: Matthew 6:10 - Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

PAUSE: The ultimate purpose of prayer is not to line God up with our will but to surrender the whole of our lives to His will! God’s “kingdom” refers to His reign and rule as King of the universe. Right now, Christians are living under His rulership, but the world is in rebellion against His rule. Thus, the prayer is for His rule to spread, for more people to surrender their lives to His loving Lordship. Now imagine the level to which God’s will is followed in heaven. 100%! The second line of this prayer is that His will would be followed increasingly here on earth. As Christ-followers we can pray this prayer of surrender to the rule and will of the Father for ourselves, for our families, for our church family, for our country, for the places our missionaries are serving, and ultimately for our whole world. Like Jesus prayed in the garden, “Your will be done!” 

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, often times we get things all turned around in our prayers to You. We try to get You to serve our purposes rather than surrendering ourselves to Your purposes. Forgive us and use us to serve Your will. Amen.