Ephesians 5:18

Aug 2, 2024    Pastor Josh Lewis

PASSAGE: Ephesians 5:18 - And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit...

PAUSE: One day my boys were playing with remote control cars, driving them all around the house. Then one of them says, "Dad, mine's not working." I look over to see one of the cars steering wildly around the floor when his remote was left untouched. Somehow, the signal from the other remote began controlling the wrong car. He was unable to control it himself because it was under the influence of another source. Now think about your life, and think about what it is that directs your actions. We are not robotically controlled like a remote control, but we are affected by the various inputs we have in our lives. When we fill our lives with things of the flesh, those things will control our behavior. But when we are filled with the Holy Spirit, He will guide us. To be filled with the Holy Spirit means to be fully yielded to the control and empowerment of the Spirit in every area of your life. Give God full control of your life!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I yield control of my life over to You! Guide me, change me, grow me, use me, as Your Spirit leads me! Amen.