Titus 2:1
PASSAGE: Titus 2:1 - "But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine."
PAUSE: Theology Matters! God has revealed Himself and His agenda in His Word, the Bible. So, we must base our core beliefs about God, Salvation, the Christian Life and Eternity on the clear revelation of Scripture. From the very beginning of the church age and right up to the present moment there have been an abundance of false teachers attempting to infiltrate the church with false doctrines about who God is and about what salvation is! So, Paul exhorts two of his young protégées, Timothy and Titus, to preach and teach sound (lit. “healthy”) doctrine to the church in order that the body of Christ would live faithfully to the glory of God and not be led astray. This same is true for us! Every Christian in 2024 must be diligent to anchor their faith in the sound teachings of God’s Word. Friend, is your life and faith built on sound teaching of God’s revealed Word? That is what this new series is all about!
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for making Yourself known to the world You created! I want to have my core convictions established according to Your revealed truth. Amen.