Exodus 34:6

Jun 19, 2024    Pastor Mike Fanning

PASSAGE: Exodus 34:6 - The Lord passed before Moses and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness!”

PAUSE: God reveals Himself in His Word, not only as the one true God, but as the God who is full of mercy, grace, steadfast love and faithfulness toward His creation. This verse is one of God’s most central confessional passages in all of Scripture. And the rest of the Bible is account after account of God putting these attributes on display as He deals with sinful Israel and the rest of the sinful world. Again, God is this way toward humanity, not because we deserve it, but because it is His very nature! And these are the attributes of God that culminate in His plan of redemption through the sacrifice of His Son for the sins of the world. He is faithful even when we were faithless. And His steadfast, sacrificial love provides for salvation by His mercy (not giving us the judgement we deserve) and grace (giving us the forgiveness and blessing that we do not deserve). 

PRAYER: Lord, I praise You that Your character is perfect and that Your heart toward us flows with mercy that we don’t deserve and love that never ceases! Amen.