Philippians 2:14-15
PASSAGE: Philippians 2:14-15 - "Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world."
PAUSE: Are you known more for what you stand for or for HOW you stand for what you stand for? I’m sure we’ve all witnessed this before—when you see somebody doing the right thing, but they complain the entire time. Maybe things like wearing a seatbelt in the car—driving the speed limit—paying taxes. Whatever it is, their words display their heart far more than their actions do, and it’s evident they disagree with the rule. You might hear them say things like, “This is so pointless… why do we have to do (fill in the blank). Let’s be clear, this doesn’t mean to never voice our opinion—there should be times we take a stand for God’s kingdom principles. But if we are too often grumbling and complaining about the trivial things, it may impact how others hear our heart behind the kingdom issues. To have a transformative impact for Christ in this world, we need to be known for HOW we stand for Him. Being a light for God and a grumbler are not compatible!
PRAYER: Lord, it is so tempting, so easy, to slip into a mode of grumbling and complaining about the things in this world that I disagree with. Help me to learn to take a stand for You in a winsome way. Amen.