Isaiah 49:6b
PASSAGE: Isaiah 49:6b
PAUSE: God’s original mission for Israel that is now fulfilled in the New Testament church is that we would be a shining light in our dark world in order to draw the nations to Christ. And where Israel failed God’s mission we must succeed!
The world is full of false systems of worship pointed at false gods. They need to see what a real relationship with the One True God looks like and it’s up to us to show them, to point them to Christ. We do this through faithful obedience to love the Lord God with all of our hearts. We do this by living out His good purposes in the power of His strength. We do this by sharing the good news of the gospel with those who have been deceived by the false religions of our world.
PRAYER: Lord, the lost people of the world need to see a beautiful picture of what a right relationship with You looks like. Help us to be that picture of how we love one another and how we radically trust You! Amen.