Acts 5:29
PASSAGE: Acts 5:29 - "But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men."
PAUSE: We won’t always agree with every rule and regulation our government decides upon, but as citizens of this country we are obligated to obey even the laws we don’t care for. But as we see in this passage of Scripture, there is a clear exception. When it comes to obeying God or government, there is a line! We stay subject to government whenever possible, even to a fault. But when obeying government means disobeying God and His Kingdom's mission, we must follow God! Peter and the apostles were told not to teach in the name of Jesus, but they boldly proclaimed their foremost allegiance to God.
PRAYER: Lord, I want to be a good citizen. And I want to honor and obey You in all that I do. Help me to do both for Your glory! Amen.