1 Timothy 1:10b-11

Jun 11, 2024    Pastor Mike Fanning

PASSAGE: 1 Timothy 1:10b-11 - "...whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine, in accordance with the gospel of the glory of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted..."

PAUSE: The gospel doesn’t just deal with how we get saved, it also tells us how to live out our salvation as fully committed followers of Jesus Christ. Notice in this passage that “sound (lit. “healthy”) doctrine” is doctrine that “conforms to the glorious gospel.” We must remember that the God’s good news gospel includes both a subtraction and an addition in the life of a believer. The subtraction part is that our sins are forgiven, and thus, the penalty of condemnation is removed against us. We are declared “not guilty” because Christ took our guilt upon Himself at the cross. The addition part is that when we place our trust in Christ as Savior and Lord we “cross over from death to life.” (See John 5:24). In other words, we go from being spiritually dead (ie: separated from God) to spiritually alive (ie: united with God). We are infused with a new heart, given the gift of the Holy Spirit, and set apart by God to live a new life for His glory. And all of the teachings of Christ and the apostles that make up the New Testament form the sound doctrine for that “set apart” life! I challenge you to immerse yourself in the New Testament this summer! Learn and live the healthy doctrines given to us there! 

PRAYER: Lord, I praise Your name! Thank You for the good-news gospel that saves me and then informs and empowers me to live my life for Your glory. Amen.