Genesis 1:1

Jun 17, 2024    Pastor Mike Fanning

PASSAGE: Genesis 1:1 - "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

PAUSE: I’m often asked, “where did God come from?” God is eternal, which means He has always existed. The Bible opens with God already eternally present! So, was God all alone for all eternity past? Absolutely not! Because God is Trinity, God has existed forever in a beautiful community of love. The Father loving the Son and the Son loving the Father and substance of that love is the Holy Spirit. God is love! And the nature of that love is that it is not selfish, but it moves outward toward the other to bless them and cherish them. And God created the world and us for the purpose of including us in the community of love that has always existed within the Trinity. Our sin messed that up big time! But God’s love demonstrated through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus restores us to our union with Father, Son & Holy Spirit. Thank You Lord!

PRAYER: Eternal Lord, it’s hard for my finite mind to comprehend that You are Infinite. But I praise You that You are! Amen.