2 Timothy 3:17
PASSAGE: 2 Timothy 3:17 - …that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
PAUSE: When we take the truth of God’s Word and begin to apply it to our lives (See 2 Timothy 3:16), we become increasingly equipped to live out all the good works that God wants to do through us and for His glory! The ultimate challenge we face as Bible believing Christians is not “am I believing the Bible?” but “am I behaving the Bible?!” The word “complete” in this verse is simply the idea of growing spiritual maturity. And maturity in the eyes of God is not based on how much Bible we know. Note that the Pharisees knew the Bible inside and out and yet rejected Christ as Messiah and proved to be blind guides to the people of God. Spiritual maturity happens when we take the Bible we know and put it into practice in wise and creative ways in our everyday lives. When Biblical truth spills out of our lives in acts of good deeds and loving kindness aimed at the people around us that need it most.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, please continue to transform me and reshape me into the Christ-like person that You created and saved me to be. And then set me loose to be a blessing to others! Amen.