John 3:16-17
PASSAGE: John 3:16-17 - “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
PAUSE: God loves the world that He created! It is the world that has strayed from loving Him and has set itself in opposition to Him. I think sometimes we are too short-sighted to only focus on the things we see around us. We see the pain and conflict around the world, and we wonder why it has to be this way. But we are missing the greater reality of God's perfect plan. He did not set this world in motion only to watch it spiral out of His control. His plan is so much greater than anything we could imagine, and He has been actively making it happen since day one. Left on our own, we would continue to stray further into the darkness. This lost world needs saving, and that is exactly what Jesus came to do! God’s heart toward us is love and that love was put into action on the cross of Christ. God's desire for you is not condemnation but salvation!
PRAYER: Precious Father, thank You for not giving me what my sin deserves! Thank You for giving Your Son to die for my sins! I believe! Help me to continue to grow up in my faith. Amen.