1 Timothy 2:4

Jul 23, 2024    Pastor Mike Fanning

PASSAGE: 1 Timothy 2:4 - ...who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

PAUSE: God our Savior’s heart's desire is for all people everywhere to be saved and live in right relationship with Him. This does not mean that all people are or will be saved. That is the false teaching often referred to as Universalism. But I do believe this verse supports the belief that when Christ died on the cross, He died for the sins of everyone. (Referred to as Unlimited Atonement). So, If God desires all to be saved and Christ died for the sins of all, why does the Bible clearly teach that not all will be saved? Why is God not able to accomplish what He desires? One answer is that God also desired to protect humanity’s “free will” ability to choose to love Him, which also includes the capacity to reject Him. (Arminian View). Others argue that God also desires to display the full range of His glory, which results in election depending upon the freedom of His mercy and not upon human choice. (Calvinistic View). Both views still point to the calling that we are to share the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ alone with everyone! (See ESV Study Bible note on 1 Timothy 2:4) 

PRAYER: God our Savior, we praise You that when You consider sinful, lost humanity, Your utmost desire is for all to be saved! Amen