Romans 15:5-6
One day in heaven, people from every background, nation, and tongue will be gathered around the throne of God, giving passionate praise and glory to our great God with one voice! The church exists to get that party started right now! God calls us and equips believers to live in unity. But this unity is not something vague and with no purpose. It is a dynamic unity of gathering together and properly giving God His due for His wonderful gift of grace, forgiveness, adoption, and new life that are freely given to us in Christ Jesus. This Sunday during worship, don’t just “show up to sing some songs.” Let’s gather with a unified heart focused on the goodness and grace of our God. Pay attention to the significance that the hundreds of others in the room are lifting their voices with you to glorify God!
PASSAGE: Romans 15:5-6 - "May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
PAUSE: Harmony is the pleasing arrangement of various parts. Whether in music, art, or relationships, harmony is beautiful and pleases our hearts. God is satisfied when we worship and praise him in harmony with one another. Our thoughts about Christ and his church influence the way we worship together.
PRAYER: Christ Jesus, I want to praise you with the one voice with my church family. Forgive me for the times that I am critical about worship at church.