2 Peter 1:19-20

Jul 18, 2024    Pastor Josh Lewis

PASSAGE: 2 Peter 1:19-20 - And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts, 20 knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation.

PAUSE: Authors, journalists, news reporters, politicians, and even pastors--when we write, our words are what we understand to be the truth, and we all seek to accurately convey information. But all of these categories of writers have something in common--we've all made mistakes and realized that something we've written in the past was incorrect. Especially when we convey our opinions, which often change over time. This week, as we've studied the word of God in Scripture, we recognize there is a similarity to our writings, but also a major difference. The writings of Scripture were penned by human authors like you and me. But the distinct difference of the word of God is the true author--the Holy Spirit working through these human authors. You need to know that when you read the Bible you are not reading the mere opinion or interpretation of the human writer but what you are reading is straight from God! As we seek to know God more fully and grow in our relationship with Him, we need to seek to understand His words as He meant them, not twisting them to our own interpretation.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I need to hear directly from You! Your truth, Your wisdom, Your way! I praise You that in Your Word You have spoken! Amen.