Luke 19:17

Jun 14, 2023    Pastor Mike Fanning

The end goal of our salvation is not going to heaven when we die! The end goal is being transformed into the image of Jesus Christ in the way that we live and love! As we allow Him to change our thoughts and our motives, as we step out in faithful obedience to serve and love and witness, we grow up into Jesus who is our Lord! And all of this counts for eternity--it impacts what our experience for eternity will be. To those who serve and grow, not perfectly, but growingly, they will hear these beautiful words at the judgement seat of Christ, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”


Prayer: Lord, you are building your kingdom and you are using your faithful children to build it. O Father, I want to be counted among the faithful! Use me! Send me! Grow me! I want to be a conduit of your love and grace to those in my world. AMEN.