Isaiah 53:6a

Aug 12, 2024    Pastor Mike Fanning

PASSAGE: Isaiah 53:6a - All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way.

PAUSE: There is an inclination in the human heart to go our own way. And that way most often leads us towards isolation because everyone else is also going their own way! This “turning to our own way” is actually a vivid description of what sin is. God created us to live our lives according to His way, under His leadership. But, like foolish sheep, we choose to leave God and try to forge our own way. This is not a neutral thing, it is rebellion against God. So how do we realign our way to God? Of course, it begins with Christ redeeming us. But we also need to have godly people in our lives who can teach us the ways of God and who can help hold us accountable to walking in His ways. A critical movement in the life of a growing believer is the shift from living in isolation to living in deep community with others! 

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, help us to fight against all the forces in the modern world that push us toward isolation and help us to seek and find real community! Amen.