Proverbs 13:20
A biblically wise person is someone who saturates their lives with the Word of God and lives their life in continual fellowship with the living Christ. A biblically wise person then humbly applies God’s truth to their daily lives and relationships as they rely on the Holy Spirit to produce the life of Jesus in them! This is no small thing. No part time gig. And you need to surround yourself with people like this so that they rub off on you. Reorder your days so that you are interacting with spiritual friends and mentors more often. And draw some boundaries with the fools in your life. Do not let their influence grow too large over you. And finally, as God grows you into a wiser person, become that spiritual friend and mentor to a few others. This is God’s design for the Christian life! For your Christian life!
PASSAGE: Proverbs 13:20 -
"Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise,
but the companion of fools will suffer harm."
PAUSE: Spiritual growth spurts happen exponentially when we hang with wise people. Take an inventory of your friends, are they wise or are they foolish? If we flip the script, do your friends consider you wise or foolish? Either way, we need to wise up and walk in the path of righteousness for everyone’s sake!
PRAYER: Father, help me to be wise. Grant me wise friends and grant me the courage to walk away from friends who are harmful to my spiritual growth.