Revelation 4:9-10

Jun 16, 2023    Pastor Mike Fanning

Have you ever witnessed something so spectacular and amazing that you just could not keep it to yourself? You absolutely had to share it with someone else, everyone else? And when you finally shared it, there was something like a completion of the joy you had when you first saw?

That experience is just a glimpse of what it will be like when we finally see Jesus face to face. You won’t have to make yourself worship! When you see Jesus in all His glory you won’t be able to contain yourself. You will finally realize that He alone is worthy and that it has been Him working in you and through you all along. And together we will cast our crowns, representing His good work through us, down at His feet.


PRAY: Lord, sometimes we have such a hard time really seeing you by faith here on earth. Sometimes the Christian life seems like its about a hundred other things than you. That must be the work of the enemy! Lord Jesus, help me to see you more clearly now, help me to grasp the fullness of your love more now. Prepare me now for the wonder of what it will be like, what it will be all about when I see you face to face. Amen.