1 Corinthians 3:12-13

Jun 12, 2023    Pastor Josh Lewis

From the moment you become a believer, you begin the work of building on a foundation of Jesus Christ. Paul describes that every work you do is like another piece of building material that is added to the building, and he tells us that the quality of the material we use matters! Some of the works we do will have value in eternity and will withstand the test of fire—these are things done with pure motives out of love for others. But there may also be times when we’ve built with cheap materials, or cut corners, or did something out of selfish ambition. These things are like wood, hay and straw that will burn up in the fire. instead of enjoying an eternal reward, we will experience loss in that moment of judgement. How we build our lives today will impact our future for eternity. Paul warns us to make sure we are building our lives in such a way that we will receive a reward and not suffer a loss of reward.  

PRAY: God, I thank you for the gift of salvation you freely offer to us. May we always understand and see clearly that these works that we strive to accomplish out of love for you and love for others are not our means of salvation, but done as a result of the changed hearts you give us once we are saved. Help us always to act purely and build with precious materials that last for eternity. In Jesus’ name, Amen.