2 Corinthians 4:7
When we think about our bodies here on Earth, on one hand we marvel at how amazing and resilient our bodies are. And on the other hand, we realize how fragile and temporary our human bodies are when we experience the loss of a loved one. Whether it's from a sudden accident or something microscopic like a virus, we realize how frail our bodies can be. Paul uses the metaphor of our bodies being like jars of clay, and it shows that even though our earthly homes are temporary and broken, our future is bright because of His power working through us.
PRAY: God, you are so wonderful, and we marvel at how you demonstrate your awesome power working through our weakness. Help us to always see that the treasure within us is your power and not our own. No matter what we are going through, may our weakness always be a reminder of the hope we have in your strength. In Jesus' name, Amen.