Genesis 18:25
There are two sides to salvation, God’s part and our part. Divine provision and human responsibility. God’s grace through Jesus Christ and our faith in Jesus Christ. But what if a person is incapable of exercising saving faith in Christ before they die, as in the case of a baby or young child or one whose mental disabilities remove their capacity for such faith? We trust in the character of God! In His love and in His just nature. These attributes of who our God is tell us that His grace & mercy will cover their inability to exercise saving faith. His character is our comfort!
PRAY: Lord God, You are the God of all mercy and all comfort! The pain of loss of a baby or infant is beyond words. But to know that these precious ones are first and foremost Yours! They are created by you and for you! And because of your grace, they are with you for eternity. May the healing comfort of this reality help us to make it through, to keep trusting in you all the way home. Amen.