Colossians 2:6-7

Aug 2, 2023    Pastor Mike Fanning

The Christian life is 100% a life of faith! We only become Christians when we place our faith 100% in Jesus, in His death for our sins and resurrection unto new life. That is the initial act of faith. But once we are saved we are commanded to continue to exercise trust in Christ day by day. We trust in Him that He is Lord of our lives and that He is at work in our lives shaping us to become more and more like Jesus. We trust Him with our sin struggles, we trust Him with our life decisions, we trust Him with our key relationships, we learn to trust Him with everything! I have found that trust begins with prayer, where I tell God that I am trusting Him. There is something important about expressing it. But trust doesn’t end with prayer. Trust then goes into obedient action mode. As I trust God, I receive His strength and wisdom and courage to follow through on the direction He is leading me. O Lord, increase my faith!

PASSAGE: Colossians 2:6-7 - Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, 7 rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.

PAUSE: Paul reminded the Colossians that they were to walk by faith. Spiritual growth and development are dependent upon being rooted and grounded in Christ. Every time we pray to God, we exercise our faith muscle. Memorize and meditate on the passage for 10 minutes, it is a life-changer. 

PRAYER: Father, may my prayer life abound in thanksgiving. Today, I am thankful that I am in a relationship with Christ. Help me grow in my knowledge of Him.