Genesis 2:15

Jun 28, 2023    Pastor Josh Lewis

God's word begins in Genesis with the scene of Adam working in the garden, and it ends in Revelation 22 with a new garden scene, free from the curse, where God's faithful servants reign forever with Him! God has given many word pictures and foreshadows of what Heaven will be like, and the Garden of Eden paints a picture of what Heaven in the future will be like. Just like in the Garden, we will once again work, maintain, and enjoy all of God’s creation forever!

PRAY: God, we praise you for your work of creation and how glorious it is. We can only imagine the perfect state that it once was, and we long for the day that it will be perfect again! Free from the curse of death and destruction! Lord, forgive us for all the ways that we fall short of your original creation, and we long for the day that you have promised us to reign with you face to face in Heaven. In Jesus' name, Amen.