Matthew 22:30
When we imagine eternity, we typically think of spending time with those who are closest to us here on Earth. Of course we look forward the most to being with Jesus, but we also long to spend eternity with our spouse, our kids, and our best friends. But will our relationships that we have here on Earth be the same in Heaven? It's difficult for us to imagine life being any other way than what we experience here and now, but Jesus teaches that our relationships in Heaven will be different than our earthly ones. In this interaction with the Sadducees, Jesus corrects them on several points. The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection, and they also didn't believe in angels (see Acts 23:8). Jesus corrected them by explaining that in the resurrection we will not marry, just like the angels do not marry.
While it's difficult for some of us to imagine our relationships with our spouse being different, the key to remember is that our relationships will not be weaker because of this difference. Our relationships in Heaven will be stronger than ever before!
PRAY: Lord Jesus, we long for the day when we will see you face to face! Forgive us for our short sightedness and wrong thinking as we try to relate our current relationships with the relationships we will have in Heaven. For those of us who are married, it's hard to fathom not being married to our spouse, but we know that Heaven will be far more glorious than we can currently comprehend. We look forward to the day that these relationships will not be weaker, but instead will be stronger and more perfect than anything we currently experience. In your Holy name we pray, Amen.