2 Corinthians 5:10
We looked last week at the passage leading up to this verse, and we discovered that we have hope and anticipation of our eternal home with the Lord in Heaven. With that hope and anticipation, we as believers breath a sigh of relief that our eternal destiny is secured. But what do we do next? Since our eternity is secured by belief in Christ, do we just coast through the rest of life and nothing else matters? Paul writes here in 2 Corinthians that the way we live our lives will be evaluated by Christ to determine the rewards we receive in Heaven. Our good works do not determine our destination, but they will determine what we will receive on the judgement seat of Christ. Because of the eternal security we have in Christ, it should be our aim to please Him in all that we do with the short time we have here on Earth.
PRAY: Lord Jesus, we praise your name and thank you for the promise of eternal life you have waiting for us. We find our salvation and security in you alone. Forgive us, Lord, for the times that we become complacent or selfish and we coast through this life. Help us to stay focused on what matters, and to live out our days here with actions that are pleasing to you. In your holy name we pray, Amen.