1 John 1:9
To confess your sins means to take full ownership of them before God and before those you have sinned against. It means to call your sin what it is, without excuse. Too often we either just keep our mouths shut and hope that “time will heal” the impact of our sin, or we mutter out a feeble “I’m sorry.” And we all know that “I’m sorry” can mean a number of different things like, “I’m sorry I got caught” or “I’m sorry you are so lame you can’t handle it.” The bottom line is that it is our pride that gets in the way of honest confession of sin. It is much better to humbly go before God and others and ask for forgiveness. “I know my actions hurt you, will you please forgive me for __________?” (Fill in the blank with the specific sin). And remember, God is ready to forgive sin that is honestly confessed. And most people are as well.
PASSAGE: 1 John 1:9 - "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
PAUSE: Once we acknowledge our sin, we need to confess it. Confession is literally agreeing with God. Confession is agreeing with God that our thoughts or actions contrary to his will are sinful. When we agree with God about our sins, he cleanses us and restores us back into fellowship with him.
PRAYER: Father, I confess that I have sinned against you! I acknowledge that my attitudes and actions fall short of your glory. Thank you for forgiving me!