Romans 8:9

Jun 23, 2023    Pastor Mike Fanning

What is the most beautiful place you have been? Do you love the mountains, or the ocean, or the ripe fields ready for harvest? This world is God’s creation and its order and its beauty are the reflection of the One who made it. But just as our human bodies have been negatively affected by the Fall, so has all the rest of creation. Earth is not currently as it was created to be, as it one day will be. Please don’t think of heaven as our floating around on some clouds for all eternity. Imagine going to the most beautiful place on earth, then multiply that times ten. Then add to it the face to face presence our precious Savior.

PRAY: Lord, it is hard to imagine our lives and our world without the devastating impact of sin. It really does make us groan. But your promise of a new heaven and new earth that is set free from sin, that is ignited with your power and beauty and presence, this is what our hearts long for! Come soon Lord Jesus! Amen.