1 John 3:16

Nov 20, 2023    Pastor Mike Fanning

True love, Biblical love, Christ-like love requires radical sacrifice! Love is not a mere feeling, but the choice to act on behalf of the undeserving for their benefit. Christ’s love for us flows out of His inner nature of love, not out of our earning it or deserving it. And His love for us cost Him dearly. It cost Him His physical life through torture and crucifixion. It cost Him His perfect fellowship with His Father as He bore the sins of the world. No greater sacrifice has ever been demonstrated. And so we are saved through Christ’s sacrifice and then Christ comes into our hearts and begins a transformation project. He changes us from selfish sinners into sacrificial lovers! Christians should be people who are daily giving themselves up for the blessing and benefit of others. Jesus came on a rescue mission, then sends us on rescue missions for His glory!

PASSAGE: 1 John 3:16 - "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.”

PAUSE: What is love? God showed us true love by sending Jesus into the world to die for our sins. The Gospel is something we believe, but it is also something we live out. True love is radical; it lays down our lives for others.  

PRAYER: Father, thank you for your sacrificial love. Open my eyes to see how I can truly love others with the radical love you showed me!