Ephesians 5:10

Jun 6, 2023    Pastor Josh Lewis

Do your actions look different now compared to the time before you followed Jesus? Honestly think about it. If we're truly following Christ, the apostle Paul tells us we should be walking in light rather than darkness. In the context of this verse, it spells out what that darkness is that doesn't belong in our lives anymore--obscene stories, foolish talk, coarse jokes, immorality, impurity, and greed. As we aim to please God with all that we do, flee from these things of darkness and walk with wisdom in the light. Living in light of eternity demands that we discern the ways that please the Lord. 

PRAY: Lord Jesus, we give you praise for who you are, and we thank you for the example you set for us to live a life filled with love. Forgive us for the times that we stray from the light into actions of darkness that we confess are not pleasing to you. Help us to have wisdom to determine what is pleasing to you, and the faithfulness to follow through. In your precious name we pray, Amen.