Matthew 22:32

Jun 20, 2023    Pastor Josh Lewis

We saw from yesterday's verse that the Sadducees were trying to outsmart Jesus, but he pointed out several flaws in their understanding. The Sadducees mistakenly denied the resurrection because they only saw Torah as Scripture (the first five books of the Bible--Genesis through Deuteronomy). They did not view the writings (Psalms, Proverbs, etc.) or the prophets as Scripture, and because of this, they were missing some key passages that point to the truth of a resurrection. But what Jesus does next is a brilliant move. He uses a passage from their Torah to demonstrate the truth they had missed. God's covenant relationship with His people did not end with their death, but continues to point forward to the resurrected life. God is the God of the living, not the dead. The Sadducees failure to believe in the resurrection or the resurrected life was a failure to understand God and His relationship with His people. 

PRAY: Heavenly Father, you are the God of the living. We praise you for your great majesty and wonder. We marvel at the thought of our future resurrection that you promise. Lord, help us to hold fast to these truths that you teach us through your words. We know that death will not hold us, because we will rise as Christ rose, and you are and always will be the God of the living! In Jesus' name, Amen.