1 Corinthians 16:2
If you look at the habits of a disciplined athlete, when do they make the decision to practice? Do they wake up without a plan and see if training will fit into their schedule that day? When do they decide to eat a balanced diet? Do they wake up that day and hope something healthy is in the refrigerator? Not at all. An athlete prepares well in advance to make training and healthy eating a priority. They intentionally set aside and protect time in their day to devote to training. They are intentional about what they stock their pantry with, and they plan their meals ahead of time. Spiritual disciplines require the same intentionality. The spiritual discipline of generosity requires intentionally planning ahead. When we don't plan ahead, it's much easier to reach in the fridge for an unhealthy snack. If we rely on last-minute decisions or giving from our leftovers, our heart will not be in the right place when we give. Paul wrote to the Corinthian church instructing them to be intentional about their giving. He wanted them to plan ahead and be prepared when the time came to give. How are we treating our finances? Are we making a last minute decision with our leftovers based on a feeling of guilt or obligation? Friends, plan and prepare ahead of time with a cheerful heart, knowing that you are giving God your best!
PASSAGE: 1 Corinthians 16:2 - "On the first day of every week, each of you is to put something aside and store it up, as he may prosper, so that there will be no collecting when I come."
PAUSE: The apostle Paul considered stewardship a spiritual discipline. Each week the believers in Corinth were to set aside a portion of their income to give to the church. Once financial giving becomes a priority, the church flourishes.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for everything you have given me. Forgive me for being selfish with my finances, allow me to be more disciplined.