Revelation 21:3-4

Jun 21, 2023    Pastor Mike Fanning

The death of a loved one is a loss to be deeply grieved. The loss of a baby or child is the deepest pain imaginable. This is another huge reason that the New Testament consistently points believers to anchor their hope in the return of Jesus Christ to set up His New Heaven and New Earth eternal kingdom. We really will see those beloved children again and we will never lose them to death again. In God’s eternal kingdom there will be no more death!! Of course, this does not immediately lessen the grief of loss right now. But this truly is a promise of God that we can focus our hearts on that can give us strength and a sure hope to rest in. 


PRAY: Precious Lord God, You actually know what it is like to see your Son die. You are a suffering God. And You understand our suffering and meet us there in the midst of it. But there is more to the story You are telling. Death is not the end for the believer, for the infant or small child! You have told us how the story ends, and that it doesn’t end! We will be with You for eternity! No more death! Thank You Jesus! Amen.