Hebrews 10:25

Sep 5, 2023    Pastor Mike Fanning

Christians are called, above everything else, to live out lives of love! Yes, love God with all your heart, but also love your neighbor, love one another. This is the call of the disciple to daily die to self and to choose to turn toward others and love them with the love of Jesus. I remind you, love is not a feeling. It is a choice of the will to do an act of kindness toward another person for their benefit. But Hebrews 10:24-25 tells us that this is not an individual sport, it’s a team sport! We are to constantly to stir up others…to love others. I think this “stirring up” means that we are to think creatively and strategically about the multitude of ways we might put Christ’s love into action toward others. So let me “stir you”! Who in your life at this moment most needs a taste of the Savior’s love? You go give it to them, now!

PASSAGE: Hebrews 10:25 - "...not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."

PAUSE: We need each other! Growth spurts will never happen without accountability partners, who challenge us and motivate us to love and do good deeds. This is the purpose of Life Groups, Celebrate Recovery, and one-on-ones.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I desire to grow spiritually. Grant me friends that will hold me accountable and inspire me to live for you.