Matthew 21:12

Mar 15, 2024    Pastor Josh Lewis

Jesus' actions in Matthew 21 were really disruptive! He didn't just politely ask them to stop, he stopped it himself by turning over their tables. He spoke authority over the temple to say what can take place there. But it's important to notice why He was disruptive--it was done in a heart of restoration. He wasn't disrupting to start something new, but rather He was restoring the temple to its original purpose. To be a house of prayer. To be a place where God dwells with His people. Jesus demonstrated this by his next actions--"the blind and lame came to Him in the Temple, and He healed them." If there is anything in your life that doesn't line up with God's original design for you, ask Him to disrupt that part of your life! Ask Him to help you to live in a manner worthy of the Gospel.

PASSAGE: Matthew 21:12 - "And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons."

PAUSE: Since Jesus is the King and Son of God, we must all repent of our sins and actions that dishonor His name and glory. Let’s pause and ask the Lord to clean out our own hearts and the sins of our church. Lord, forgive us of all our sins and cleanse us of all our unrighteousness. This is the cry of our hearts.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I permit You to walk around my life and church. Overturn any sins that bring You dishonor and shame.  Let me glorify You!