Philippians 3:20
Imagine for a moment that you are a dual citizen. Each country that you are a citizen of has different laws and cultural norms, and whichever one you are living in will influence your behaviors. If you move to the other country, your behaviors will change as you adapt to the laws and norms of that society. As we read Paul’s letter to the Philippians, we realize this truth that all of us as Christians are actually dual citizens. We each have our earthly citizenship, but our ultimate allegiance is in our heavenly citizenship. Our heavenly citizenship should influence our daily decisions more than our earthly citizenship. Which kingdom are you living for?
PRAY: God, we praise you for your mighty power that created all things. Thank you for entrusting us to be stewards of your creation, and for placing us in this time and place in history. Help us to recognize our citizenship in Heaven with you as our ultimate authority, so that we may be influenced less by earthly things and more by our heavenly citizenship. In Jesus’ name, Amen.